
Ming Chung:史丹佛也在蒸口罩?20200511



而且這研究還跟諾貝爾物理學獎得主Steven Chu 相關。

The team’s research, based on experiments on a type of fabric commonly used in respirators and industrial-grade respirators, found that a 30-minute exposure to 75 °C could be used up to 20 times to disinfect N95 respirators without a loss of filtration efficiency and mechanical deformation.

These findings could be game-changing for both hospitals and individuals due to the method’s ease of use, said materials science and engineering professor Yi Cui, who led the research at 4C Air along with physics and molecular biology professor Steven Chu.

“It’s easy to generate heat with a reasonable uniformity, whether it’s in a convection oven or something else,” Cui said.
