




今年七月舉辦的「國際青年導演競賽」,首獎得主為以兄弟為解決家中財務危機,走險綁架富家女的以色列影片《綁架練習曲》(Youth),評審團特別獎則頒給充滿流行風格但社會批判力道同樣強烈的波蘭影片《寶貝對不起》(Baby Blues)。今年同樣選入「國際青年導演競賽」、也在台北電影節世界首映的台灣影片還有《你的今天和我的明天》,映後觀眾反映熱烈。台灣新導演輩出,明年最值得期待的台灣新銳導演作品,影迷都將可在「國際青年導演競賽」先一睹為快。


Taipei Film Festival announces Call for Entry for International New Talent Competition

Taipei Film Festival announces Call for Entry for its International New Talent Competition from 3rd October. The Competition is open to international filmmakers with their first or second features (no documentaries). The minimum length should be 70 minutes and be available as 35mm or DCP. The film should be completed after April 1st, 2013 and it must be Taiwan premiere (except Taiwan Productions). The deadline for submission is March 20, 2014. Guideline and application form can be found from www.taipeiff.org.tw/newtalentcompetition/2014.

Now entering its 9th year, International New Talent Competition is the only international feature-length competition in Taiwan. Each year, 12 films are selected to compete for the Grand Prize, Special Jury Prize and Audience’s Choice Award. The winner for the Grand Prize receives NTD 600,000 cash prize (approx. USD 18,000). Special Jury Prize winner will get NTD 300,000 cash prize (approx. USD 9,000). These two top prizes are decided by five jury members consisting film directors, producers, film critics and festival programmers from international film industry. The Audience’s Choice Award will be voted by the audiences.

Grand Prize winner for the last International New Talent Competition went to the Israeli kidnap drama Youth by Tom Shoval and Special Jury Prize was given to Baby Blues by Kasia Roslaniec. The Swedish political suspense thriller Call Girl won over audience’s heart and received the Audience’s Choice Award. Winners of the past Audience’s Choice Award have included You Are the Apple of My Eye and Touch of the Light. These films have gone on to become huge box office success locally and overseas.

16th Taipei Film Festival will be held from June 28th to July 20th, 2014.
