《未來教育》Future Learning
美國 USA︱ 2012︱ 13min︱ Eli A. KAUFMAN
2012 美國查格林紀錄片電影節最佳紀錄短片
Best Short Documentary, Chagrin Documentary Film Festival
2013 社會影響媒體獎評審團大獎
Jury Prize, Social Impact Media Award
電玩是最好的教學工具、算數是即將落伍的技能,那什麼會是三十年後最重要的知識?結集英國新堡大學教授蘇伽特米特拉(Sugata MITRA)、可汗學院Khan Academy 創辦人薩爾曼可汗(Salman KHAN)等教育革命者,集體預言屬於未來的教育模式,徹底翻轉我們對於知識與技能、學習與教導、學生與教師的關係與定義。
In our rapidly changing world, it may seem impossible to arm students with the relevant, timeless skills they need for 10, 20 or even 50 years from now. Future Learning asks education innovators like Sugata MITRA, Salman KHAN, and Catherine LUCEY to advice on the keys to revolutionizing the classroom, engaging student learning, and unlocking the curriculum of the future.
9/29(日)15:00 華山二廳
10/5(六)12:00 華山一廳