
20130529廣播電影單元主打歌【閉嘴聽音樂Shut Up and Play the Hits】插曲【失去優勢Losing My Edge】電音龐克樂團液晶大喇叭LCD Soundsystem主唱。

Yeah, I’m losing my edge.
I’m losing my edge.
The kids are coming up from behind.
I’m losing my edge.
I’m losing my edge to the kids from France and from London.
But I was there.

I was there in 1968.
I was there at the first Can show in Cologne.
I’m losing my edge.
I’m losing my edge to the kids whose footsteps I hear when they get on the decks.
I’m losing my edge to the Internet seekers who can tell me every member of every good group from 1962 to 1978.
I’m losing my edge.

To all the kids in Tokyo and Berlin.
I’m losing my edge to the art-school Brooklynites in little jackets and borrowed nostalgia for the unremembered eighties.

But I’m losing my edge.
I’m losing my edge, but I was there.
I was there.
But I was there.

I’m losing my edge.
I’m losing my edge.
I can hear the footsteps every night on the decks.
But I was there.
I was there in 1974 at the first Suicide practices in a loft in New York City.
I was working on the organ sounds with much patience.
I was there when Captain Beefheart started up his first band.
I told him, “Don’t do it that way. You’ll never make a dime.”
I was there.
I was the first guy playing Daft Punk to the rock kids.
I played it at CBGB’s.
Everybody thought I was crazy.
We all know.
I was there.
I was there.
I’ve never been wrong.

I used to work in the record store.
I had everything before anyone.
I was there in the Paradise Garage DJ booth with Larry Levan.
I was there in Jamaica during the great sound clashes.
I woke up naked on the beach in Ibiza in 1988.

But I’m losing my edge to better-looking people with better ideas and more talent.
And they’re actually really, really nice.

I’m losing my edge.

I heard you have a compilation of every good song ever done by anybody. Every great song by the Beach Boys. All the underground hits. All the Modern Lovers tracks. I heard you have a vinyl of Every Niagra record on German import. I heard that you have a white label of every seminal Detroit Techno hit – 1985, ’86, ’87. I heard that you have a CD compilation of every good ’60s cut and Another box set from the ’70s.

I hear you’re buying a synthesizer and an arpeggiator and are throwing your computer out the window because you want to make something real. You want to make a Yaz record.

I hear that you and your band have sold your guitars and bought turntables.
I hear that you and your band have sold your turntables and bought guitars.

I hear everybody that you know is more relevant than everybody that I know.

But have you seen my records? This Heat, Pere Ubu, Outsiders, Nation of Ulysses, Mars, The Trojans, The Black Dice, Todd Terry, the Germs, Section 25, Althea and Donna, Sexual harassment, a-ha, Pere Ubu, Dorothy Ashby, PIL, the Fania All-Stars, the Bar-Kays, the Human League, the Normal, Lou Reed, Scott Walker, Monks, Niagra,

Joy Division, Lower 48, the Association, Sun Ra,
Scientists, Royal Trux, 10cc,

Eric B. and Rakim, Index, Basic Channel, Soulsonic Force (“just hit me”!), Juan Atkins, David Axelrod, Electric Prunes, Gil! Scott! Heron!, the Slits, Faust, Mantronix, Pharaoh Sanders and the Fire Engines, the Swans, the Soft Cell, the Sonics, the Sonics, the Sonics, the Sonics.

You don’t know what you really want. (x15)

詹姆斯墨菲 (James Murphy) 是搖滾藝人、製作人、DJ、以及DFA Records唱片公司共同創辦人。他出生於1970年,在紐澤西一處人口過剩的郊區成長,當地沒有電影院、保齡球館或休閒娛樂中心,小孩子成天四處遊蕩,無所事事。詹姆斯18歲離家時,居民生活條件已大幅改善,但詹姆斯仍無法擺脫家鄉深深的自卑感,因此對紐約心生嚮往。

在這種生長環境下,龐克搖滾無疑是詹姆斯的救星,鎮上唱片行成了他的挖寶地點。詹姆斯一開始接觸Goth Rock哥德搖滾,後來待過Falling Man、Pixies-soundalikes Pony及Speedking等樂團,亦曾任美國Post-Hardcore後硬蕊樂隊Six Finger Satellite及美國Indie Rock廠牌Sub Pop的音響工程師。他為運動品牌Nike創作廣告歌《45:33》;與派特馬洪泥 (Pat Mahoney)、史考特威爾斯 (Scott Wells) 及保羅斯班葛思 (Paul Sprangers) 組成搖滾樂隊Free Energy,自己擔任低音吉他手;曾為電影《愛上草食男Greenberg》製作配樂。

1999年,他和提姆戈滋華斯 (Tim Goldsworthy) 成立Dance-Punk跳舞龐克廠牌DFA Records (原名為Death from Avboe Records,因與當時某加拿大樂團同名,故改為DFA Records)。2002年成立液晶大喇叭樂團,及至2011年樂團解散,可說是詹姆斯最知名的成就。液晶大喇叭解散後,詹姆斯仍繼續從事音樂創作。他為運動品牌Converse系列產品寫歌、參與戲劇演出,近期則與知名樂團Arcade Fire合作製作專輯。

【關於液晶大喇叭LCD Soundsystem】

液晶大喇叭的第一首單曲《失去優勢Losing My Edge》一推出即造成轟動,迅速成為最受歡迎地下舞曲音樂。2005年推出同名專輯,所收入《傻瓜龐克在我家Daft Punk Is Playing at My House》不但打入英國單曲排行榜UK Top 40,更成為多個電視遊戲如疾風滑雪板4、極限競速2、橫衝直撞:復仇之道、國際足盟大賽06等配樂。改編Post-Punk後龐克殿堂級樂隊Siouxsie and the Banshees作品的《慢速沉潛Slowdive》,令人津津樂道。

同名專輯及2007年的《銀鈴聲響Sound of Silver》專輯榮獲葛萊美最佳電子╱舞曲專輯提名,《傻瓜龐克在我家》榮獲最佳舞曲錄音提名,風頭盛極一時。《我所有朋友All My Friends》以不斷重複的吉他、鍵盤與低音聲線,搭配唱出不悔人生,以及隨著年歲漸增而失去的一切,被Times時代雜誌評選為2007年度十大金曲。2010年,液晶大喇叭推出第三張專輯,同時也是告別作的《現在進行式This is Happening》。這裡還有個小插曲:液晶大喇叭當時在紐約秘密舉辦兩場演唱會,並要求在場歌迷在新專輯正式發布前保持機密,不要將影音檔外流。

2011年,液晶大喇叭宣佈解散,並決定在麥迪遜花園舉辦告別演唱會。演唱會票券甫開賣即銷售一空,但仍有許多歌迷買不到票。之後樂團宣布在紐約Terminal 5舉辦四場暖身演唱會,歌單幾乎與告別演唱會相同,作為補償。告別演唱會最後,詹姆斯以《紐約我愛你,只是我傷透了心New York, I Love You But You’re Bringing Me Down》唱出對紐約的複雜情感,伴隨台下歌迷熱淚盈框,萬般不捨揮別摯愛樂團。
