
20130110廣播電影單元主打歌:【夢遊大都會Cosmopolis】主題曲:【Long to Live】韻律合唱團Metric 主唱。

【Long to Live】歌詞

When you walk with my back up
Any woman with no make up
How you gonna sing at all?
Fight what I fake up
Fake what I made up
How we gonna sing at all?

All the wire…
All the wire…
All the wire…
All the wire…
All the wire…
All the wire…
All the wire…
All the way…

Walk with my back up
Woman with no make up
How you gonna sing at all?
When you gave what I gave up
Fake what I figured
How we gonna sing at all?

All the wire…
All the wire…
All the wire…
All the wire…
All the wire…
All the wire…
All the wire…
All the way…

Haven’t got long to live
Haven’t got long to live
Haven’t got long to live
To live
To live

All the wire…
All the wire…
All the wire…
All the wire…
All the wire…
All the wire…
All the wire…
All the way…

Haven’t got long to live
Haven’t got long to live
Haven’t got long to live
To live
To live

韻律合唱團Metric是來自加拿大多倫多的獨立搖滾樂團,女主唱Emily Haines氣質出眾獨具,並擅長演奏Synth合成器,成為一項特色。他們的曲風融合了現代科技感與古老空靈的氛圍,既迷幻而又充滿強烈的電音,情感豐富浪漫淒美,曾在被稱為加拿大葛萊美Juno Award音樂獎上,連奪「年度最佳團體」與「年度最佳專輯」兩項大獎。

2010年他們參與了【歪小子史考特 Scott Pilgrim vs. the World】及【暮光之城:蝕 The Twilight Saga: Eclipse】兩部好萊塢電影的原聲帶製作,並以【暮光之城:蝕 The Twilight Saga: Eclipse】原聲帶,獲得葛萊美與奧斯卡的提名,最新的電影原聲帶作品,為與電影配樂大師:霍華休爾Howard Shore(【魔戒三部曲】)合作,替同鄉加拿大籍的大導演:大衛柯能堡David Cronenberg執導的【夢遊大都會Cosmopolis】所錄製的主題曲【Long to Live】。

METRIC is Emily Haines, Jimmy Shaw, Joshua Winstead and Joules Scott Key. An independent rock and roll band empowered by their innovative approach to the music business, METRIC self-released their last album FANTASIES on five continents without the benefit of a label and earned themselves multiple radio hits around the world with songssuch as “Gimme Sympathy,” “Gold Guns Girls,” and “Help I’m Alive.” They went on to sell over a million singles and 500,000 albums worldwide.

FANTASIES earned METRIC “Album of the Year” and “Band of the Year” at the Canadian Juno Awards, and the band finished 2010 with their music featured in two major Hollywood films including Scott Pilgrim vs The World and the Twilight Saga: Eclipse. The Twilight soundtrack was nominated for a Grammy Award and landed METRIC on the Academy Award nomination short list in 2011 for the theme song they co-wrote with composer Howard Shore. They have since partnered up with Howard Shore on another project: The score to David Cronenberg’s latest film Cosmopolis, composed by Shore and performed by METRIC, due out this year.

Their fifth full-length studio album SYNTHETICA will be released on June 12, 2012. Sonicallyfuturistic yet organic, this album sounds like the culmination of all the music the band has made in their 10 years together. First single “Youth Without Youth” examines the fraying social state with a bristling energy and a driving beat. “Breathing Underwater” and “Speed the Collapse” both deliver on the classic METRIC chorus of soaring melancholy, while the lyrics for “Lost Kitten” and “Clone” call out some bad behavior and the consequences. Hard rocking title track “Synthetica” offers an epic conclusion to suspenseful album opener “Artificial Noctune.”

METRIC will be on tour throughout 2012 and have already announced select tour dates in North America, UK, Europe and Australia.
