
2012台北電影節《人生如是》Tomorrow’s Another Day

《人生如是》Tomorrow’s Another Day
尤安卡爾森 Johan Carlsson
瑞典 Sweden|2011|DigiBeta|Colour|90min


The Film is a documentary about Swedish film director Roy Andersson and his unique way of filmmaking. Shot during the four-year long filming period of Andersson’s latest feature You, the Living, the documentary is a personal description of a surprising and different approach to the film medium.

7/01(日) 18:10 新光三廳(影人座談)
7/10(二) 10:40 新光二廳
7/12(四) 18:40 新光二廳

【焦點導演:洛伊安德森 Director In Focus: Roy Andersson】

Fresh out of Swedish film institute, Roy Andersson (1943, Sweden) becomes a major success with A Swedish Love Story in 1970. After five years, he returned with Gilliap, a film considered to be a financial and critical failure. He then turned to television commercials, where he found both popular recognition and creative freedom. In 2000, Andersson returned with his third feature, Songs from the Second Floor, which won the Jury Prize at Cannes. More than any other, this film succeeded in cementing his personal style-a style characterized by long takes, absurdist comedy, stiff caricaturing of Swedish culture and Felliniesque grotesque. His latest film is You, the Living from 2007.
