
2012台北電影節《阿巴合唱團.追夢》ABBA – The Movie

《阿巴合唱團.追夢》ABBA – The Movie
萊斯霍斯壯 Lasse Hallström
瑞典 Sweden / 澳大利亞 Australia|1977|35mm|Colour|97min

瑞典天團「阿巴合唱團」前往澳洲巡迴演出,當年還是菜鳥的DJ艾希利應電台要求深入採訪ABBA,沒經驗的他想貼身跟訪,幾乎是不可能的任務!這是《狗臉的歲月》、《濃情巧克力》導演萊斯霍斯壯首部英語片,身為ABBA後來的御用MV導演,幽默捕捉樂團紅透半邊天的實況,收錄十九首耳熟能詳的經典名曲,粉絲們不容錯過的Cult Film。

The semi-documentary directed by Lasse Hallström details ABBA’s mega-successful tour of Australia. While it mostly contains back-stage footage as well as ABBA’s performances during the tour, it has the sub-plot of a young radio DJ, whose boss orders him to secure an interview with the group, and the problems he has trying to reach them as he forgets his press pass….

7/08(日) 10:30 真善美藍廳
7/12(四) 19:50 中山堂
7/14(六) 13:40 新光三廳
