

官方網站 http://animation.tnua.edu.tw/festival2011/index.html


第一屆關渡國際動畫節(the First Annual Kuandu International Animation Festival),以其發源「關渡」一地為靈感來源,特別以「關‧渡」(Gateways and Crossings) 為主題來策展,取其「關口」、「通道」以及「渡口」、「交叉路」等意境,闡述人類生命中來來往往、出出入入的過程和結局。


此次電影節活動以長片《不倒翁的奇幻旅程》開幕,為該片之世界首映;一部結合真人與動畫的台灣本土出品作品,《不倒翁的奇幻旅程》片中分列五段由多位本土藝術家的動畫成果;閉幕片《大象將軍2》(2009年),是泰國Kantana影業公司2006年度鉅片《大象將軍》的續集,這部三維電腦動畫長片敘述大象將軍Khan Kluay在顧家與出征之間難以取捨的內心交戰。


導演專題部分,特別推薦金馬獎最佳短片得主、臺北藝術大學動畫系教授史明輝的作品精選;史明輝的動畫作品以3D電腦為主要媒材,仍呈現多元的視象風格,其作品中呈現的時間感(Timing)與動感韻律(Motion Rhythm),是國內難得見到對味的精緻作品;而1998年出品、王小棣執導、本土優質動畫電影《魔法阿媽》,則以導讀的型式,在本屆關渡動畫節中作特映單元。


動畫節其他活動項目還有:國際大師講座、動畫產業講座、動畫工作坊、兒童動畫營和創藝市集等;邀請國際來賓夢工廠動畫師Morgan Kelly、皮克斯資深動畫師Kevin O’Hara,及國內知名漫畫藝術家陳弘耀、聞名國際的國內動畫新聞業者壹傳媒,分別進行專題講座與創作經驗交流。


Sharon Wu

From The Curator’s Desk

We are honored and excited to welcome you to the First Annual Kuandu international Animation Festival. The premiere theme of our festival, known affectionately as KIAF, is “Gateways and Crossings.” This theme is inspired from the translated name of our host city, Kuan-Du. The spirit of this theme is to depict facets of humanity in its various comings and goings, and as processes and outcomes of entering and exiting different phases of life.

This year’s KIAF upholds our goal, using a down-to-earth approach and an intimate screening environment, to exhibit the esoteric art of animation to our audience through approximately one hundred selected animated films from Taiwan, Thailand, China, the United States, Canada, Philippines, Colombia, South Korea and other countries during a six-day schedule. These animated films, including five animated feature films, showcase a variety of animation techniques, visual styles and media.

The week-long 2011 KIAF opens with the world premiere of “Jumping Boy”, a Taiwanese live-action feature film comprising five animated sequences created by several local artists. Our festival concludes with a screening of “Khan Kluay 2”, the 2009 computer animated sequel to Thailand’s top grossing film of 2006, Khan Kluay, produced by Kantana Animation Studios in Bangkok. The film’s story centers around Khan Kluay’s struggle between being a supportive father or joining his country’s fight against the Burmese.

Three of the most prominent elements in narrative filmmaking are people, time, and space. The short films are directed into three themed screenings under “Human Relations”, “Time Relations”, and “Spatial Relations”. These shorts exhibit many techniques commonly used in making animation, such as traditional hand-drawn, stop motion, sand paintings, computer animation, and motion graphics.

Our featured Animation Director is Jack Minghui Shih, a Golden Horse Best Short Film winner, and an animation professor at Taipei National University of the Arts. Shih’s works in computer animation exhibit a variety of visual directions, exquisite design styles and delicate textures. His timing and sense of animation performance are a rarity among his local peers.

A docent screening of “Grandma and Her Ghosts” (1988), directed by renowned director Siu-Di Wang, is presented as a special event during the festival. Another special screening is “The King of Milu Deer”, a computer animated feature film about a magical elk, which was selected to be presented at Mainland China’s 60th annual celebration in 2009, and was nominated for Huabiao Award and the Golden Rooster.

In addition, “Independent Animated Works from Mainland China”, programmed by Professor Joe Chang of China Academy of Art, features over a dozen animated short films independently produced by various artists from across Mainland China.

Other festival venues include Animation Master Classes, Industry Seminars, Workshops, and Children’s Workshops. We are also very proud to welcome our international guests: Morgan Kelly, an animator from DreamWorks, Kevin O’Hara, a Senior Animator from Pixar Studios, and distinguished comic artist Chen Hongyao.

The Kuandu International Animation Festival looks forward to bringing you on a tour of the art of motion and storytelling.
Sharon Wu
