
2011第68屆金球獎2011 68TH Golden Globes中英文版得獎名單

最佳影片:《社群網戰》Social Network
最佳男主角:柯林佛斯Colin Firth《王者之聲:宣戰時刻》King’s Speech
最佳女主角:娜塔莉波曼Natalie Portman《黑天鵝》Black Swan

最佳影片:《性福拉警報》The Kids Are All Right
最佳男主角:保羅賈馬蒂Paul Giamatti《巴尼的一生》 Barney’s Version
最佳女主角:安寧特貝寧Annette Bening《性福拉警報》The Kids Are All Right

最佳導演:大衛芬奇David Fincher《社群網戰》The Social Network
最佳劇本:艾倫索金Aaron Sorkin《社群網戰》The Social Network
最佳男配角:克里斯汀貝爾Christian Bale 《燃燒鬥魂》The Fighter
最佳女配角:梅莉莎李歐Melissa Leo《燃燒鬥魂》The Fighter
最佳動畫片:《玩具總動員3》Toy Story 3
最佳外語片:《更好的世界》In a Better World ,丹麥
最佳電影原創音樂:《社群網戰》The Social Network-川特雷諾Trent Reznor, 阿提克斯羅斯Atticus Ross
最佳電影原創歌曲:《舞孃俱樂部》Burlesque- Diane Warren(“You Haven’t Seen The Last of Me”)

最佳電視影集:海濱帝國Boardwalk Empire
最佳男主角:史蒂夫布希米 Steve Buscemi 《海濱帝國》Boardwalk Empire
最佳女主角:凱西沙嘉Katey Sagal for 《飆風不歸路》Sons of Anarchy”

最佳男主角:吉姆帕森Jim Parsons 《宅男行不行》The Big Bang Theory
最佳女主角:蘿拉琳妮Laura Linney 《如果還有明天》 The Big C

最佳男主角:艾爾帕西諾Al Pacino 《死亡醫生》You Don’t Know Jack
最佳女主角:克萊兒丹絲 Claire Danes 《星星的孩子: 一個畜牧科學博士的自閉症告白》(Temple Grandin)

最佳男配角:克里斯葛佛Chris Colfer《歡樂合唱團》 Glee
最佳女配角:珍林區Jane Lynch《歡樂合唱團》Glee

Best Motion Picture – Drama: The Social Network
Best Actor in a Motion Picture – Drama: Colin Firth for The King’s Speech
Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy: The Kids Are All Right
Best Actress in a Motion Picture – Drama: Natalie Portman for Black Swan
Best Actor in a Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy: Paul Giamatti for Barney’s Version
Best TV Series – Musical or Comedy: “Glee”
Best Director – Motion Picture: David Fincher for The Social Network
The Cecil B. DeMille Award: Robert DeNiro
Best Actress in a Supporting Role in a Motion Picture: Melissa Leo for The Fighter
Best Actor in a Television Series – Musical or Comedy: Jim Parsons for “The Big Bang Theory”
Best Actress in a TV Series – Musical/ Comedy: Laura Linney for “The Big C”
Best Foreign Language Film: In a Better World (Denmark)
Best Supporting Actress a Series, Mini-Series or Motion Picture Made for Television: Jane Lynch for “Glee”
Best Screenplay – Motion Picture: The Social Network : Aaron Sorkin
Best Performance by an Actress in a Mini-Series or a Motion Picture Made for Television: Claire Danes for Temple Grandin
Best Performance by an Actor in a Mini-Series or a Motion Picture Made for Television: Al Pacino for You Don’t Know Jack
Best Actress in a Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy: Annette Bening for The Kids Are All Right
Best Animated Film: Toy Story 3
Best Original Score – Motion Picture: The Social Network : Trent Reznor, Atticus Ross
Best Original Song – Motion Picture: Burlesque: Diane Warren (“You Haven’t Seen The Last of Me”)
Best Television Series – Drama: Boardwalk Empire
Best Performance by an Actor in a Television Series – Drama: Steve Buscemi for “Boardwalk Empire”
Best Supporting Actor in a Series, Mini-Series or Motion Picture Made for Television: Chris Colfer for “Glee”
Best Mini-Series or Motion Picture Made for Television: “Carlos”
Best Actress in a Television Series – Drama: Katey Sagal for “Sons of Anarchy”
Best Supporting Actor in a Motion Picture: Christian Bale for The Fighter

STAR WORLD,第45台(正確台數請依地方系統服務頻道)
