
2012台北電影節《星空》Starry Starry Night

《星空》Starry Starry Night
林書宇 Tom Shu-Yu LIN
台灣 Taiwan / 中國 China / 香港 Hong Kong│2011│DCP│Colour│98min
2012 亞洲電影大獎 /大阪亞洲電影節
2011 釜山國際電影節新浪潮競賽


Mei, a 13-year-old girl who watches her parents’ loveless marriage crumble in divorce. To escape her broken home, she immerses herself in a fantastical world of her own creation. After she meets Jay, the new kid at school, they decide to escapes their real-life troubles by embarking on a journey to her grandfather’s isolated cottage in the mountains, where she used to gaze at the beautiful starry sky as a child.

7/06(五)14:40 中山堂(影人座談)
7/14(六)20:50 新光二廳(影人座談)
