
20130314廣播電影單元主打歌:【愛情超能量Death of a Superhero】主題曲For you-澳洲樂團Angus & Julia Stone主唱。

《愛情超能量》主題曲由澳洲新生代流行樂團Angus & Julia Stone 演唱的For you (收錄於”勇往直前Down The Way”專輯)

當今全球最受歡迎澳洲新生代流行樂團二人組,安格斯和茱莉亞(Angus & Julia Stone)是由一對澳洲姊弟所組成的雙主唱樂團;“For You”是茱莉亞寫給前男友的情歌,空心吉他與鋼琴烘托茱莉亞纖細柔美的唱腔、安格斯幕後美聲合音,曲中強烈的電吉他變奏帶出變質的愛情不在,茱莉亞聲音表情掌控情感變化觸動心弦。

【For you】歌詞

If I talk real slowly

If I try real hard

To make my point dear,

That you have my heart.

Here I go

I’ll tell you,

what you already know.

Here I go.

I’ll tell you,

what you already know.

If you love me, with all of your heart.

If you love me, I’ll make you a star in my universe.

you’ll never have to go to work.

you’ll spend everyday, shining your light my way.

If I talk real slowly

If I hold your hand

If you look real closely my love,

you might understand.

Here I go

I’ll tell you,

what you already know.

Here I go.

I’ll tell you,

what you already know.

If you love me, with all that you are.

If you love me I’ll make you a star in my universe

you’ll never have to go to work.

you’ll spend everyday, shining your light my way.

Here I go

I’ll tell you,

what you already know.

Here I go.

I’ll tell you,

what you already know.

If you love me, with all of your heart.

If you love me, I’ll make you a star in my universe.

you’ll never have to go to work.

you’ll spend everyday, shining your light my way.
