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幾周前,在《鋼鐵人3》首映典禮上,《復仇者聯盟》導演喬斯溫登Joss Whedon曾對外透露,續集將加入新成員會是一對兄妹組合。

稍早導演在受訪時,已經再度確認他的發言,這對兄妹就是:銀色快手(Quicksilver)和赤色女巫(Scarlet Witch)。

《復仇者聯盟2 / The Avengers 2》有望於明年2月份正式開拍,並在2015年5月1日全球盛大首映。

The Marvel cinematic universe is expanding. Just like the real universe!

Which means that at some point the Marvel Universe will contract, which also means that we will eventually return to the Big Marvel Bang and that “Marvel time” is a meaningless construct.

But I’m getting ahead of myself. Mainly, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch will be joining The Avengers 2!

Director Joss Whedon said earlier this year that a brother-and-sister team will be joining the superhero sequel, but today he confirmed that the characters are in fact supertwins Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch.

The Avengers 2 will close out Marvel Phase 2 when it is released on May 1, 2015.

Other heroes who will likely appear in future Marvel films include Ant-Man and Black Panther.

Now the biggest question is: Who will play Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch? Give us your suggestions in the comments!
