
【末路車神The Place Beyond the Pines】插曲【Maneater】霍爾&奧茲Hall & Oates主唱。

以下文字引用自 WEBBER 藍天之間 部落格 版權為其所有

史上擁有最多排行暢銷曲紀錄的美國超級二重唱組合,出道已逾30年,創下史上擁有最多排行榜暢銷單曲紀錄的超級二重唱組合。「Daryl Hall(霍爾)& John Oates(奧茲)」,在70年代就已精煉出獨特迷人的演唱風格~靈魂樂式的高亢,卻略帶憂鬱的唱腔。 由於深受60年代晚期興起的“創作歌手運動”影響,「Hall & Oates」幾乎一手包辦了他們所有專輯的歌曲創作,他們創作的歌詞,通常是從真實生活的浪漫故事中吸取靈感,而他們的演唱則飽含著十分真摯的情感,以及較為健康的情欲抒發。

「Hall(霍爾) & Oates(奧茲)」真正的大紅大紫是在80年代,其中 「Private Eyes、H2O、Big Bam Boo」等出色專輯,以及「Kiss On My List、Private Eyes、Maneater、Say Isn”t So、Out Of Touch、Method Of Modern Love」等暢銷單曲,更讓「Hall & Oates」一步步登上顛峰狀態,名利雙收。

「Hall & Oates」的歌曲不僅旋律流暢優美,還巧妙地融合了當代搖滾、復古流行、白人靈魂舞曲以及永恆的R&B節奏。憑著1980年的專輯『Voice』,這支二重唱組合躍升為耀眼的巨星,並深受各地樂迷的喜愛。

She’ll only come out at night
The lean and hungry type
Nothing is new, I’ve seen her here before
Watching and waiting
Ooh, she’s sittin’ with you but her eyes are on the door
So many have paid to see
What you think you’re gettin’ for free
The woman is wild, a she-cat tamed by the purr of a Jaguar
Money’s the matter
If you’re in it for love, you ain’t gonna get too far
(Oh-oh, here she comes) Watch out boy she’ll chew you up
(Oh-oh, here she comes) She’s a maneater
(Oh-oh, here she comes) Watch out boy she’ll chew you up
(Oh-oh, here she comes) She’s a maneater
I wouldn’t if I were you
I know what she can do
She’s deadly man, she could really rip your world apart
Mind over matter
Ooh, the beauty is there but a beast is in the heart
(Oh-oh, here she comes) Watch out boy she’ll chew you up
(Oh-oh, here she comes) She’s a maneater
(Oh-oh, here she comes) Watch out boy she’ll chew you up
(Oh-oh, here she comes) She’s a maneater

—— saxophone ——

(Oh-oh, here she comes) Here she comes, Watch out boy she’ll chew you
(Whoa-oh, here she comes. Watch out) She’s a maneater
(Oh-oh, here she comes. She’s a maneater) Ooh, she’ll chew you up
(Oh-oh, here she comes) Here she comes, she’s a maneater
(Oh-oh, here she comes. Watch out) She’ll only come out at night, ooh
(Oh-oh, here she comes) Here she comes, she’s a maneater
(Oh-oh, here she comes. She’s a maneater) The woman is wild, woo
(Oh-oh, here she comes) Here she comes. Watch out boy, watch out boy
(Oh-oh, here she comes) Oh, watch out, watch out, watch out, watch
(Oh-oh, here she comes) Yeah, yeah, she’s a maneater
(Oh-oh, here she comes. She’s a maneater) She’s watching and waiting,
(Oh-oh, here she comes) Oh, she’s a maneater
