
【敬悼】台灣民族誌影像先驅者 胡台麗老師(1950.3.11-2022.5.7)​




胡台麗老師的紀錄片作品曾獲得法國巴黎Jean Rouch國際民族誌紀錄片影展「非物質文化傳承推薦獎」、芝加哥國際影展紀錄片類銀牌獎、休斯頓國際影展金牌評審獎、金馬獎紀錄片首獎與台灣國際紀錄片雙年展評審特別推薦獎,以及入圍法國馬賽國際紀錄片影展競賽片,入選荷蘭阿姆斯特丹國際紀錄片影展競賽片等。​


*2012法國巴黎Jean Rouch國際民族誌紀錄片影展「非物質文化傳承推薦獎」​
2004《石頭夢》 ​
*入選1985年美國紐約自然史博物館主辦的瑪格麗特‧米德紀錄片影展。American Anthropologist學刊影評(1987, Vol. 89, No.1: 263-264)。​

民族誌影展導演介紹 https://www.tieff.org/directors/hutaili/​

【ITA看世界 第93集】台灣國際民族誌影展20周年專訪https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TRszITk1FI​


(照片由家屬與Skaya Siku提供)

Condolences. Taiwan Association of Visual Ethnography’s founder, Dr. Hu Taili (1950.3.11-2022.5.7)​
The founder of the Taiwan Association for Visual Ethnography, our deeply respected Dr. Hu Taili, has passed away on May 7, 2022, at the age of 72.​

Dr. Hu Taili earned her Ph.D. from the Graduate School of City University of New York. ​ She was a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica, and served as the Institute’s director, as well as adjunct professor of Anthropology at National Tsing Hua University. ​ She was also the chair of the Taiwan International Ethnographic Film Festival and the first and second term Chair of the Board of the Taiwan Association for Visual Ethnography. ​ ​

Dr. Hu pioneered the field of visual anthropology in Taiwan, making documentary ethnographic films when filmmaking was not encouraged or rewarded by academic institutions in Taiwan. ​ Starting in 1984, she made eight ethnographic documentary films. Through screening these films in the Indigenous communities, in theaters, and in academic forums in Taiwan and abroad, she interacted directly with the people she filmed and with the audience, effecting cultural self-reflection through practice. ​ She was also a key figure in opening up several areas of anthropological inquiry, including the study of women’s role in the family and economy, ethnic relations, Indigenous cultural performance, and shamanism. ​ ​

Her documentary films won many international awards, including Jean Rouch International Ethnographic Film Festival [Paris] “Special Mention of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Award”, the Chicago International Film Festival Documentary Silver Plaque Award (documentary film), the Houston International Film Festival Gold Special Jury Award, the Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival Best Filmworker Award, and the Taiwan International Documentary Festival’s Special Mention Award. ​ Her films were also selected for the Joris Ivens Competition of the Amsterdam International Documentary Film Festival and the International Competition in the Marseille International Documentary Festival.​

Dr. Hu Taili was an anthropologist, a film festival programmer, a writer, and a documentary filmmaker. ​ For many years, she used visual ethnography to help bring the voices and perspectives of different ethnic groups into dialogue and further their mutual understanding. ​ She also participated enthusiastically in public discussions on many important cultural and social issues, including issues relating to women, Indigenous peoples, former soldiers from mainland China, and land. ​ She gave us a record of important milestones in the development of Taiwanese society over several decades. ​ And she used her limited strength and time to create films presenting Taiwan’s communities, ethnicities, society, and arts, deepening the dialogue between Taiwan and the international community. ​

Selected Films​
2012 Returning Souls​
*2012 Jean Rouch International Ethnographic Film Festival [Paris] “Special Mention of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Award” ​
*2013 WorldFest-Houston Ethnic/Cultural category Gold Remi Award​
2004 Stone Dream​
* Selected for Joris Ivens Competition at 2004 International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam; selected for 2004 Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival and won the Best Film worker Award; won 2004 Golden Tassel Film Festival the Excellent Film Award (Taipei).​
2000 Sounds of Love and Sorrow​
*Won Jury’s Special Mention Award at 2000 Taiwan International Documentary Festival; selected for International Competition at
2001 Marseille International Documentary.​
1997 Passing Through My Mother-in law’s Village​
*Selected for 1998 Gottingen International Ethnographic Film Festival (Germany); selected for 1998 Parnu International Documentary and Anthropological Film Festival (Estonia); selected for 1998 Margaret Mead Film Festival (New York); selected for 1999 Beeld voor Beeld Festival ( Amsterdam).​
1993 Voices of Orchid Island​
* Silver Plaque Award, documentary film, arts/ humanities category, 1994 Chicago International Film Festival​
1988 Songs of Pasta’ay​
* 1990 Houston International Film Festival Gold Special Jury Award​
1984 The Return of Gods and Ancestors: Paiwan Five Year Ceremony​
*Selected for 1985 Margaret Mead Film Festival, American Museum of Natural History, New York. Reviewed by American Anthropologist, 1987, Vol. 89, No.1: 263- 264.​

related webpage and interviews​

(photo credit: Dr. HU’s family)​
(photo credit: Skaya Siku)