
李中志 教授:被柯大市長團隊踩在地上的人類尊嚴

我們常笑 Google Translate 慘不忍睹,這是人腦還保有一些尊嚴的地方,這點尊嚴被柯大市長的團隊給踩在地上了,以後不敢笑了。一個市政大外宣的英文公開信居然可以慘成這樣?以下做了一個實驗,我先揣測第一段的意思寫出中文並盡力修飾 (雖然原英文後半實在不知在公三小),再用google translate 轉成英文,雖然有些生硬,但居然比市政府貼出來的高了好幾個檔次。

原英文第一段:『Taipei has always been the first choice to more for people who are pursuing dreams. But only the Taipei people who live here can truly understand the sweet and sour of living here. The questions, imaginations, and thoughts of Taipei people are all here. To realize the vision of Taipei also needs the participation of all people. Dear Taipei people, let us join in thinking and taking action to decide the future of Taipei in the next second.』


Google Translate gives: 『Taipei has always been the city of choice for dreamers, but only those who live here know the ups and downs of life. All the questions, imaginations and thoughts of Taipei people are gathered here. To understand the vision of Taipei requires everyone’s participation. Dear Taipei people, let us immediately join the ranks of thinking and action to determine the future of Taipei.』

原文出處 李中志