
20110609中廣人來瘋電影單元主打歌:【萬能隊長Paper Man】插曲(Bluebird of Happiness)_Mojave 3主唱

官網 http://www.mojave3online.com/
Soundtracks for Paper Man (2009)

“Bluebird of Happiness”
Written by Neil Halstead & Ian McCutcheon
Performed by Mojave 3
Courtesy of 4AD LTD.

gotta find a way to get home strong
gotta find a way back home
gotta find a light to guide me along
gotta find a way back home
running for your life won’t get you so far
running for your life so far
gotta find to bring me home slow
gotta find a way back home
the loving in your eye that holds you alive
gotta find a way back home
gotta find a way to get home strong
gotta find a way back home
gotta find a road that brings me back slow
gotta find a way back home
gotta find a way to get home strong
gotta find a way back home
saw you turning
big eyes burning on your way
nothing out there
the time to tell you what you own
never wanted to feel this pain
never wanted to feel so sad
never wanted to feel this pain
never wanted to feel this pain
never watned to feel so sad
never wanted to feel this way
never wanted to feel this pain
never wanted to feel this pain
gotta find a way to get home strong
gotta find a way back home
gotta find a light to guide me along
gotta find a way back home
never wanted to feel this pain
never wanted to feel this pain
gotta find a road that brings me back slow
gotta find a way back home
the loving in your eye that holds you alive
gotta find a way back home
gotta find a way to get home strong
gotta find a way back home
gotta find a road that brings me back slow
gotta find a way back home
gotta find a way to get home strong
gotta find a way back home
gotta find a way back home
gotta find a way back home


不知為何,有些唱片的專輯名稱總是能輕易地讓人產生情感上的共鳴,你注視著許久,發覺它好像說中了那時候縈繞在我們內心裡澎湃卻悄然無聲的思緒,知道必須將它帶回家,透過其音樂的展現才能抒發當時難以言喻的存在狀態,對於我來說,Mojave 3的Excuses for Travellers就是這樣的一張唱片。

這張專輯出版的時間剛好是自己準備出國唸書的前夕,作為一個即將離開故鄉前往異地求學的遊子,內心的情緒極端複雜,期待、害怕、混亂與不捨全部攪和在一起,但卻又不知該向誰述說,按照常理,旅人是幸運的,因為未來充滿想像,但是背後也意味著離開後當下的失去,在這種情境下我發現了Mojave 3這個團體與Excuses for Travellers這張專輯,他們的音樂適時安慰了當時焦躁不安的我,給了自己一個情緒的出口以及離開的藉口。

成立於1994年的Mojave 3,其實是1990年代初期Shoegazing英國名團Slowdive的延伸,Slowdive離開Creation音樂廠牌時,吉他兼主唱Neil Halstead夥同貝斯手兼主唱Rachel Goswell與鼓手Ian McCutcheon另起爐灶,共組Mojave 3,1995年於新東家4AD推出首張專輯Ask Me Tomorrow,之後便加入吉他手Simon Rowe與鍵盤手Alan Forrester,成為五人編制,十一年來總共出版五張專輯,除了Ask Me Tomorrow外,還包括Out of Tune(1998)、Excuses for Travellers(2000)、Spoon and Rafter(2003)與Puzzles Like You(2006);另外,兩位主唱Neil Halstead與Rachel Goswell也分別推出個人作品Sleeping on Roads(2002)與Waves Are Universal(2004)。

其實不管外在音樂潮流如何變遷,我一直很沉溺於Mojave 3所創造出的鄉村田園民謠世界中,他們算是引領我進入“鄉謠”這個日後我相當著迷的音樂領域的重要團體之一,Mojave 3的每張專輯(除了Puzzles Like You我還未擁有外)我都非常喜歡,但是如果要找出一張聆聽最多遍的Mojave 3唱片,那麼非Excuses for Travellers莫屬,這是一種無法抹滅的記憶連結。

音樂上,這張專輯可以說是Mojave 3正式告別Slowdive的Shoegazing樂風,轉身毅然進入鄉村民謠,於是除了原本的空心吉他外,Mojave 3還加入了斑鳩琴、踏板電子吉他、小喇叭與伸縮喇叭等具有美國田園風味的樂器,使得Excuses for Travellers滿溢著濃濃的原鄉氣味,而Neil Halstead所譜出一首首有著清新流暢旋律、美麗悠揚音符的歌曲也極為觸動人心,似乎不管聆聽多少遍都不會覺得厭煩,這在強調節奏經營的今日反而成為他們的一大特色;至於文字上,Excuses for Travellers仍維持著Mojave 3一貫的主題,探討情感的失去與渴望,人性的脆弱與猶豫,彷彿要藉著不斷檢視自己的傷口來證明愛情的存在,或許心碎的幻滅才是成長的開始,而Neil Halstead那有如吟遊詩人般的低聲歌唱,替歌曲添加了溫度,也暖和了我們的內心,在這深秋立冬時分。

