
【繼承 The Inheritance】

【繼承 The Inheritance】
導演:伊麗莎白.A.波維內利 Elizabeth A. Povinelli / 2021 / 81’ / USA / Digital / COLOR


The Inheritance is a three-act video montage essay on inheritance as an accumulation of racial and settler dispossessions. Seeking to intervene in what Povinelli has called the current white counter-reformation of white nativism, The Inheritance pivots the ideas and affects of history, inheritance, and social identity against the sedimentations of white supremacy and settler colonialism through a retelling of the immigration stories told to the young Elizabeth Povinelli by her grandparents. Carol Devane has written that the “modes of identification and belonging in relation to Karezol/Carisolo create a tangled inheritance, but one that faded from social experience as the family became absorbed into the privileges of whiteness in the US, even as that assimilation was at times uneasy. The haunting and vivid story of this family offers an entrée for thinking critically about social location, place-based belonging, and the privileges and punishments therein.”

伊麗莎白.A.波維內利在哥倫比亞大學擔任法蘭茲.鮑雅士人類學與性別研究教授。波維內利是卡拉賓電影組織(Karrabing Film Collective)的創始成員之一,該組織榮獲的多項獎項包含阿姆斯特丹EYE電影博物館(Eye Filmmuseum)頒發的2021年度EYE獎。波維內利的個人藝術作品曾在米蘭的普羅米提歐藝廊(Prometeo Gall…