
2016 CNEX 主題紀錄片影展 │捍衛網權 Killswitch: The Battle To Control the Internet

捍衛網權 Killswitch: The Battle To Control the Internet
美國U.S.A︱2014︱72min︱Ali Akbarzadeh
2014 阿姆斯特丹國際紀錄片電影節
2014 Woodstock 電影節最佳剪輯獎
2015 首爾人權電影節


Killswitch frames the story of two young hactivists, Aaron Swartz & Edward Snowden, who symbolize the disruptive and dynamic nature of the Internet. Their lives parallel one another as they free information to millions on the Internet, putting them directly in the cross-hairs of the most powerful interests in the world. Will this be a cautionary tale of what happens when you dare to take on elite power structures? Or will it be the spark that ignites a revolution that will redefine democracy in the digital age?

9/23(五) 15:30 華山二廳︱9/26(一)15:30 華山一廳

2016 CNEX主題紀錄片影展 #網羅人生
9/23(五) – 9/29(四) #光點華山電影館
▲ 網羅眾生套票 ▲ 8張 800元 + 多項好禮
物美價廉 ►http://goo.gl/yNexs9
▲ 鄉民推爆套票 ▲ 4張 420元
清爽無負擔 ►http://goo.gl/GgcqDF
