



「模仿遊戲」(The Imitation Game)
「愛的萬物論」(The Theory of Everything)
「美國狙擊手」(American Sniper)
「歡迎來到布達佩斯大飯店」(The Grand Budapest Hotel)

阿利安卓崗札雷伊納利圖(Alejandro Gonzalez-Inarritu)/「鳥人」(Birdman)
李察林克雷特(Richard Linklater)/「年少時代」(Boyhood)
班奈特米勒(Bennett Miller)/「狐狸捕手」(Foxcatcher)
魏斯安德森(Wes Anderson)/「歡迎來到布達佩斯大飯店」(The Grand Budapest Hotel)
摩頓帝敦( Morten Tyldum)/「模仿遊戲」(The Imitation Game)

史提夫卡爾(Steve Carell)/「狐狸捕手」(Foxcatcher)
布萊德利庫柏(Bradley Cooper)/「美國狙擊手」(American Sniper)
班奈狄克康柏拜區(Benedict Cumberbatch)/「模仿遊戲」(The Imitation Game)
米高基頓(Michael Keaton)/「鳥人」(Birdman)
艾迪瑞德曼(Eddie Redmayne)/「愛的萬物論」(Theory of Everything)

瑪麗詠柯蒂亞(Marion Cotillard)/「兩天一夜」 (Two Days One Night)
菲麗希緹瓊斯(Felicity Jones)/「愛的萬物論」(Theory of Everything)
茱莉安摩爾(Julianne Moore)/「我想念我自己」(Still Alice)
羅莎蒙派克(Rosamund Pike)/「控制」(Gone Girl)
瑞絲薇絲朋(Reese Witherspoon)/ 「那時候,我只剩下勇敢」(Wild)

勞勃杜瓦(Robert Duvall)/「大法官」(The Judge)
伊森霍克(Ethan Hawke)/「年少時代」(Boyhood)
艾德華諾頓(Edward Norton)/「鳥人」(Birdman)
馬克魯法洛(Mark Ruffalo)/「狐狸捕手」(Foxcatcher)
JK西蒙斯(J.K. Simmons)/「進擊的鼓手」(Whiplash)

派翠西亞艾奎特(Patricia Arquette)/「年少時代」(Boyhood)
蘿拉鄧(Laura Dern)/「那時候,我只剩下勇敢」(Wild)
綺拉奈特莉(Keira Knightley)/「模仿遊戲」(The Imitation Game)
艾瑪史東(Emma Stone)/「鳥人」(Birdman)
梅莉史翠普(Meryl Streep)/「魔法黑森林」(Into The Woods)

「大英雄天團」(Big Hero 6)
「怪怪箱」(The Boxtrolls)
「馴龍高手2」(How To Train Your Dragon 2)
「海洋幻想曲」(Song of the Sea)
「輝耀姬物語」(The Tale of Princess Kaguya)

「歡迎來到布達佩斯大飯店」(The Grand Budapest Hotel)
「畫世紀:透納先生」(Mr. Turner)

「美國狙擊手」(American Sniper)
「歡迎來到布達佩斯大飯店」(The Grand Budapest Hotel)
「模仿遊戲」(The Imitation Game)

「依達的抉擇」(Ida) /波蘭
「生命中最抓狂的小事」(Wild Tales)/阿根廷

「歡迎來到布達佩斯大飯店」(The Grand Budapest Hotel)

「美國狙擊手」(American Sniper)
「模仿遊戲」(The Imitation Game)
「性本惡」(Inherent Vice)
「愛的萬物論」(The Theory of Everything)

「歡迎來到布達佩斯大飯店」(The Grand Budapest Hotel)
「星際異攻隊」(Guardians of the Galaxy)

「歡迎來到布達佩斯大飯店」(The Grand Budapest Hotel)
「模仿遊戲」(The Imitation Game)
「特納先生」(Mr. Turner)
「愛的萬物論」(The Theory of Everything)

「歡迎來到布達佩斯大飯店」(The Grand Budapest Hotel)
「模仿遊戲」(The Imitation Game)
「魔法黑森林」(Into the Woods)
「特納先生」(Mr. Turner)

「美國狙擊手」(American Sniper)
「哈比人:五軍之戰」(The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies)

「美國狙擊手」(American Sniper)

「美國隊長:酷寒戰士」(Captain America: The Winter Soldier)
「猩球崛起:黎明的進擊」(Dawn of the Planet of the Apes)
「星際異攻隊」(Guardians of the Galaxy)
「X戰警:未來昔日」(X-Men: Days of Future Past)

「歡迎來到布達佩斯大飯店」(The Grand Budapest Hotel)
「性本惡」(Inherent Vice)
「魔法黑森林」(Into the Woods)
「特納先生」(Mr. Turner)

Oscars 2015: Full list of nominations


Best Picture
American Sniper
The Grand Budapest Hotel
The Imitation Game
The Theory of Everything

Best Director
Alexandro G. Iñárritu, Birdman
Richard Linklater, Boyhood
Bennett Miller, Foxcatcher
Wes Anderson, The Grand Budapest Hotel
Morten Tyldum, The Imitation Game

Best Actor
Steve Carell, Foxcatcher
Bradley Cooper, American Sniper
Benedict Cumberbatch, The Imitation Game
Michael Keaton, Birdman
Eddie Redmayne, The Theory of Everything

Best Actress
Marion Cotillard, Two Days One Night
Felicity Jones, The Theory of Everything
Julianne Moore, Still Alice
Rosamund Pike, Gone Girl
Reese Witherspoon, Wild

Best Supporting Actor
Robert Duvall, The Judge
Ethan Hawke, Boyhood
Edward Norton, Birdman
Mark Ruffalo, Foxcatcher
J.K. Simmons, Whiplash

Best Supporting Actress
Patricia Arquette, Boyhood
Laura Dern, Wild
Keira Knightley, The Imitation Game
Emma Stone, Birdman
Meryl Streep, Into the Woods

Best Cinematography
Emmanuel Lubezki, Birdman
Robert Yeoman, The Grand Budapest Hotel
Lukasz Zal and Ryszard Lenczewski, Ida
Dick Pope, Mr. Turner
Roger Deakins, Unbroken

Best Foreign Language Film
Ida, Poland
Leviathan, Russia
Tangerines, Estonia
Timbuktu, Mauritania
Wild Tales, Argentina

Best Adapted Screenplay
American Sniper, Jason Hall
The Imitation Game, Graham Moore
Inherent Vice, Paul Thomas Anderson
The Theory of Everything, Anthony McCarten
Whiplash, Damien Chazelle

Best Original Screenplay
Birdman, Alejandro G. Iñárritu, Nicolás Giacobone, Alexander Dinelaris, Jr. & Armando Bo
Boyhood, Richard Linklater
Foxcatcher, E. Max Frye and Dan Futterman
The Grand Budapest Hotel, Wes Anderson & Hugo Guinness
Nightcrawler, Dan Gilroy

Best Makeup and Hairstyling
Bill Corso and Dennis Liddiard, Foxcatcher
Frances Hannon and Mark Coulier, The Grand Budapest Hotel
Elizabeth Yianni-Georgiou and David White, Guardians of the Galaxy

Best Original Score
The Grand Budapest Hotel
The Imitation Game
Mr. Turner
The Theory of Everything

Best Original Song
“Everything Is Awesome” from The Lego Movie; Music and Lyric by Shawn Patterson
“Glory” from Selma; Music and Lyric by John Stephens and Lonnie Lynn
“Grateful” from Beyond the Lights; Music and Lyric by Diane Warren
“I’m Not Gonna Miss You” from Glen Campbell…I’ll Be Me; Music and Lyric by Glen Campbell and Julian Raymond
“Lost Stars” from Begin Again; Music and Lyric by Gregg Alexander and Danielle Brisebois

Best Animated Feature
Big Hero 6
The Boxtrolls
How to Train Your Dragon 2
Song of the Sea
The Tale of Princess Kaguya

Best Documentary—Short
Crisis Hotline: Veterans Press 1
Our Curse
The Reaper
White Earth

Best Film Editing
Joel Cox and Gary D. Roach, American Sniper
Sandra Adair, Boyhood
Barney Pilling, The Grand Budapest Hotel
William Goldenberg, The Imitation Game
Tom Cross, Whiplash

Best Production Design
The Grand Budapest Hotel, Production Design: Adam Stockhausen; Set Decoration: Anna Pinnock
The Imitation Game, Production Design: Maria Djurkovic; Set Decoration: Tatiana Macdonald
Interstellar, Production Design: Nathan Crowley; Set Decoration: Gary Fettis
Into the Woods, Production Design: Dennis Gassner; Set Decoration: Anna Pinnock
Mr. Turner, Production Design: Suzie Davies; Set Decoration: Charlotte Watts

Best Animated Short
The Bigger Picture
The Dam Keeper
Me and My Moulton
A Single Life

Best Live Action Short
Boogaloo and Graham
Butter Lamp
The Phone Call

Best Sound Editing
American Sniper, Alan Robert Murray and Bub Asman
Birdman, Martín Hernández and Aaron Glascock
The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies, Brent Burge and Jason Canovas
Interstellar, Richard King
Unbroken, Becky Sullivan and Andrew DeCristofaro

Best Sound Mixing
American Sniper, John Reitz, Gregg Rudloff and Walt Martin
Birdman, Jon Taylor, Frank A. Montaño and Thomas Varga
Interstellar, Gary A. Rizzo, Gregg Landaker and Mark Weingarten
Unbroken, Jon Taylor, Frank A. Montaño and David Lee
Whiplash, Craig Mann, Ben Wilkins and Thomas Curley

Best Visual Effects
Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Dan DeLeeuw, Russell Earl, Bryan Grill and Dan Sudick
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, Joe Letteri, Dan Lemmon, Daniel Barrett and Erik Winquist
Guardians of the Galaxy, Stephane Ceretti, Nicolas Aithadi, Jonathan Fawkner and Paul Corbould
Interstellar, Paul Franklin, Andrew Lockley, Ian Hunter and Scott Fisher
X-Men: Days of Future Past, Richard Stammers, Lou Pecora, Tim Crosbie and Cameron Waldbauer

Best Documentary — Feature
Finding Vivien Maier
Last Days of Vietnam
The Salt of the Earth

Best Costume Design
Milena Canonero, The Grand Budapest Hotel
Mark Bridges, Inherent Vice
Colleen Atwood, Into the Woods
Anna B. Sheppard and Jane Clive, Maleficent
Jacqueline Durran, Mr. Turner
