
新任【007:空降危機The Skyfall】武器專家Q先生:班維蕭Ben Whishaw承認自己同志身份並與另一半歡慶結婚周年。

剛出道時曾以【香水Perfume: The Story of a Murderer】一片驚豔影壇的男星:「班維蕭Ben Whishaw」,於今天正式向媒體承認自己是位男同志,並已經與他的另一半:作曲家「馬克布萊德蕭Mark Bradshaw」於2012年的八月結為連理,今天他們一同歡度了一周年的結婚紀念。

「馬克布萊德蕭」曾擔任由他的伴侶「班維蕭」所主演的電影【璀璨情詩 Bright Star】之配樂工作,而兩人就是在參與這部描寫愛爾蘭大詩人葉慈的傳記電影拍攝時產生情愫,這兩位英國籍的電影從業人員,今天也非常開心的與大家分享他們的喜悅。

「班維蕭」說:「在銀幕前他必須扮演別人,並讓大家完全相信他的表演,所以對他來說,並沒有必要談論太多自己個人的私事,很多的專業演員也都是這樣處理個人的私領域」。他的發言人也說:「蕭 從來沒有刻意隱藏自己的性向,他只是如同其他的演員一樣,在公共場合盡量不要談論有關家人的隱私以保護他們」。

Ben Whishaw Confirms He’s Gay & Happily Married To Rising Composer

Ben Whishaw has confirmed speculation that he is gay and happily married to composer Mark Bradshaw. The pair tied the knot in Sydney in 2012, and will celebrate their first anniversary this month.

The Skyfall star had never spoken publicly about his sexuality before, insisting that he wanted to remain quiet about his private life.

However, his spokesperson has today confirmed to the Daily Mail that he and Mark are “very happy” together.

“Ben has never hidden his sexuality, but like many actors he prefers not to discuss his family or life outside of his work,” the rep said.

“Due to speculation, I can confirm that Ben and Mark entered into a civil partnership in August 2012. They were proud to do so and are very happy.”

And a friend of the couple added: “Everyone’s delighted for them. Mark’s a lovely guy, very talented and very close to Jane Campion. There hasn’t been a chance for a big celebration because of Ben’s schedule but I’m sure there will be one at some point.”

The pair met on the set of the film Bright Star, based on poet John Keats’s affair and death. Bradshaw composed the score.

Whishaw, who recently flattened speculation he would be the next Doctor Who, previously said of his personal life: “For me, it’s important to keep a level of anonymity. As an actor, your job is to persuade people that you’re someone else. So if you’re constantly telling people about yourself, I think you’re shooting yourself in the foot.”
