
日本釀酒商麒麟將退出緬甸 Japanese brewer Kirin to withdraw from Myanmar



自 11 月下旬以來,該公司一直與其合資夥伴緬甸經濟控股有限公司 (MEHL) 發生法律糾紛,該公司此前曾表示,在結束合資企業後將繼續留在該國。


在麒麟威脅要採取法律行動終止合作關係的幾天后,MEHL 提交了一份請願書,要求解除他們的合資協議。

麒麟對這一舉動進行了抨擊,稱這是 MEHL 試圖“控制清算過程”。

上個月,仰光法院駁回了 MEHL 的請求。

麒麟在去年 2 月 1 日的軍事政變後不久宣布了終止與 MEHL 的合作夥伴關係的計劃,稱其“對軍方最近的行動深表關切”。

在周一發布的一份聲明中,該公司表示已開始與 MEHL 進行討論,以完成退出合資企業和緬甸市場的工作。


它補充說,退出將導致在截至 12 月的年度中出現 46.6 億日元(4.02 億美元)的減值損失。

合資協議讓麒麟持有該國領先啤酒製造商緬甸啤酒廠 51% 的股份,而 MEHL 持有剩餘的 49%。這兩家公司還共同擁有曼德勒啤酒廠,曾經生產了在緬甸銷售的大約 80% 的啤酒。



“麒麟的撤出應該向所有其他企業發出警告,警告他們要與恐怖軍政府及其集團保持聯繫。與恐怖分子做生意是不值得的,”該組織的發言人 Yadanar Maung 說。


麒麟的財務業績顯示,緬甸啤酒廠 2021 年的銷售額比上一年下降了 39.3%。

“數百萬人加入了抵制緬甸啤酒的行列,這表明集體行動可以破壞軍事卡特爾,”Yadanar Maung 說。

The company had previously said that it would remain in the country after severing ties with its military-owned partner.

Japanese beer giant Kirin said on Monday that it is planning to pull out of Myanmar once it has terminated its partnership with a military-owned conglomerate.

The company, which has been at legal loggerheads with its joint-venture partner, the Myanma Economic Holdings Limited (MEHL), since late November, had previously said it would remain in the country after ending the venture.

The decision comes more than two months after the two companies went to court over the terms under which they would part ways.

Days after Kirin threatened to take legal action to end the partnership, MEHL filed a petition to dissolve their joint-venture agreement.

Kirin hit out at that move, saying that it was an attempt by MEHL to “to take control of the liquidation process.”

Last month, a Yangon court rejected MEHL’s request.

Kirin announced its plans to terminate its partnership with MEHL soon after last year’s February 1 military coup, saying it was “deeply concerned by the recent actions of the military.”

In a statement released on Monday, the company said it has started discussions with MEHL to complete its exit from the joint venture and the Myanmar market.

“Kirin Holdings has committed to end the matter by the end of June,” said the statement.

The withdrawal will result in an impairment loss of 46.6b yen ($402m) in the year that ended in December, it added.

The joint-venture agreement gave Kirin a 51% stake in Myanmar Brewery, the country’s leading beer maker, while MEHL held the remaining 49%. Together, the companies, which also jointly owned Mandalay Brewery, once produced about 80% of the beer sold in Myanmar.

According to a company spokesperson cited by Reuters, Kirin will seek to sell the two units of its investment in Myanmar after the joint-venture termination.

News of Kirin’s exit was welcomed by activist group Justice For Myanmar, which urged a responsible divestment with no negative human rights impacts.

“Kirin’s withdrawal should serve as a warning to all other businesses about maintaining ties with the terrorist military junta and its conglomerates. Business with terrorists does not pay,” said the group’s spokesperson Yadanar Maung.

In the wake of the coup, people across the country have boycotted products produced by military-owned companies, including Myanmar Beer, as part of an effort to cut off the junta’s sources of funding.

Kirin’s financial results show Myanmar Brewery sales declined 39.3% in 2021 from the previous year.

“Millions have joined the boycott of Myanmar Beer, and this shows that collective action can disrupt the military cartel,” said Yadanar Maung.

source myanmar-now