
台灣之光!紐時刊登美國傑出移民 黃仁勳入榜並註明來自「Taiwan」

7月4日是美國國慶日(獨立日),卡內基基金會(Carnegie Corporation)透過紐約時報刊登「傑出移民,傑出美國人」(Great Immigrants Great Americans」,總計24 名菁英,分別來自 16 個國家(countries),輝達CEO黃仁勳也入榜,同時註明黃仁勳出生於台灣。網友大讚,為台灣正名囉。


根據資料,2024 年美國傑出移民由來自 16 個國家的公民組成,總計24名入榜,這些人代表了廣泛的背景,並因其在公共服務、教育、衛生、新聞、藝術和商業等領域的工作而受到讚譽。

卡內基基金會指出,這份名單包括多位諾貝爾得獎者、回憶錄作家 Leila Ahmed、饒舌音樂家 Abbas (Bas) Hamad、輝達創辦人兼執行長黃仁勳、DC 總裁 Jim Lee、調查記者 Maria Ressa和艾美獎得主 Steven Yeun等。

卡內基基金會董事長理查森(Dame Louise Richardson)表示,獲獎的24 名美國人提醒人們,每一代新移民為我們的國家帶來經濟和社會效益,以及他們為我們的民主所貢獻的豐富人才、技能和成就。

卡內基基金會指出,24名獲獎名單 7 月 4 日在《紐約時報》上刊登整版公共服務廣告,並透過社群媒體表彰獲獎者的貢獻。

網友在領英(LinkedIn)、X(推特前身)及Threads分享黃仁勳入選2024美國傑出移民的喜悅,由於入榜資料都有註明出生地,因此黃仁勳的資料上也註明「Born in Taiwan」,網友大讚AI教父得獎,也為台灣正名,真的是台灣之光。

網友留言稱,「感謝黃爸爸讓台灣被世界看到」、「而且是country喔」。另有網友不忘提醒「馬小九、 KP,等KMT n KP黨們, 請記得我們是台灣,不是ROC,ROC 已經滅亡了」。

原文出處 自由時報

Jensen Huang
Founder and CEO, NVIDIA

Born in: Taiwan
Jensen Huang
Jensen Huang is the founder and chief executive officer of NVIDIA, which in 2024 became the most valuable public company in the world.

Born in Taiwan, Huang was nine years old when his parents sent him and his brother to live with an uncle in Tacoma, Washington. At age 10, he was enrolled at the Oneida Baptist Institute in Kentucky — not the prestigious boarding school his uncle believed it to be, but a reform academy, where Huang was badly bullied. “Back then, there wasn’t a counsellor to talk to … you just had to toughen up and move on,” he said in a New Yorker interview.

When Huang’s family reunited in Oregon, he attended high school there, graduating at age 16. He earned an undergraduate degree in electrical engineering from Oregon State University, and a master’s degree from Stanford University. He then worked for chip manufacturing and semiconductor companies.

In 1993, at age 30, Huang cofounded NVIDIA with two friends during a meeting at a Denny’s restaurant. Primarily a producer of computer chips for fast-moving video games, the company struggled early on. “It didn’t matter to us whether people believed in us. We believed in ourselves. We had the courage to follow our own path,” Huang said. NVIDIA’s technology has since thrived, emerging as the engine behind AI (artificial intelligence).

Huang has been named Fortune’s Businessperson of the Year, Number 1 on Harvard Business Review’s list of the world’s 100 best-performing CEOs, and — twice — one of Time magazine’s 100 most influential people.

source carnegie