
2024 GREAT IMMIGRANTS : Jensen Huang Founder and CEO, NVIDIA

Born in: Taiwan
Jensen Huang
Founder and CEO, NVIDIA
Jensen Huang is the founder and chief executive officer of NVIDIA, which in 2024 became the most valuable public company in the world.

Born in Taiwan, Huang was nine years old when his parents sent him and his brother to live with an uncle in Tacoma, Washington. At age 10, he was enrolled at the Oneida Baptist Institute in Kentucky — not the prestigious boarding school his uncle believed it to be, but a reform academy, where Huang was badly bullied. “Back then, there wasn’t a counsellor to talk to … you just had to toughen up and move on,” he said in a New Yorker interview.

When Huang’s family reunited in Oregon, he attended high school there, graduating at age 16. He earned an undergraduate degree in electrical engineering from Oregon State University, and a master’s degree from Stanford University. He then worked for chip manufacturing and semiconductor companies.

In 1993, at age 30, Huang cofounded NVIDIA with two friends during a meeting at a Denny’s restaurant. Primarily a producer of computer chips for fast-moving video games, the company struggled early on. “It didn’t matter to us whether people believed in us. We believed in ourselves. We had the courage to follow our own path,” Huang said. NVIDIA’s technology has since thrived, emerging as the engine behind AI (artificial intelligence).

Huang has been named Fortune’s Businessperson of the Year, Number 1 on Harvard Business Review’s list of the world’s 100 best-performing CEOs, and — twice — one of Time magazine’s 100 most influential people.

source carnegie


黃仁勳是 NVIDIA 的創始人兼首席執行官,該公司於 2024 年成為全球最有價值的上市公司。

黃出生於台灣,九歲時,他的父母將他和他的兄弟送到華盛頓州塔科馬的叔叔那裡生活。 10歲時,他就讀於肯塔基州的奧奈達浸信會學院——這並不是他叔叔所認為的著名寄宿學校,而是一所改革學院,黃在那裡受到了嚴重的霸凌。 「那時候,沒有輔導員可以傾訴……你只能堅強起來,繼續前進,」他在接受《紐約客》採訪時說道。

當黃的家人在俄勒岡州團聚時,他在那裡上高中,並於 16 歲畢業。隨後,他在晶片製造和半導體公司工作。

1993 年,30 歲的黃仁勳在 Denny’s 餐廳的一次會議上與兩位朋友共同創立了 NVIDIA。該公司主要是為快速發展的電玩遊戲生產電腦晶片的公司,早期處境艱難。 「人們是否相信我們對我們來說並不重要。我們相信自己。我們有勇氣走自己的路。 NVIDIA 的技術從此蓬勃發展,成為 AI(人工智慧)背後的引擎。

黃先生被評為《財富》年度商業人物、《哈佛商業評論》全球100 名表現最佳首席執行官排行榜上排名第一,並且兩次被《時代》雜誌評選為100 名最具影響力人物之一。